Sunday, December 04, 2011

A warm December ♥

I only have 3 midterm exams for this semester.. 2 down 1 to go.. Feel a bit relax after BOM midterm exam at Friday night.. Watched "Twilight" with the bunch after that.. This series is more towards to romance.. Less fighting scene.. However, I can't wait for part 2! :D 
Group photo with the poster.. Hehe!
We took photos non-stop inside the toilet.. That's girls! xD

Shopping session in the afternoon of Saturday! Feel like shopping for Christmas in this recent days.. I will go to shop again when I go back to JB next week.. Hehe! Johor Premium Outlet is opening! Must go there and have a look.. :D 
Had dinner at Bar B Q Plaza! Can't believe Bar B Q Plaza can be found in Malacca as well.. I am getting love Malacca! Hehe.. 
Yum yumm!! Had a scrumptious dinner! :D

Christmas feel is everywhere! I love Christmas so much! Who doesn't?  :) 

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