Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baboon House ♥

Had an awesome day out with 2 Choicees on last Thursday.. Thanks to Stephanie for bringing us to discover the cafes that I never been before.. I read Ellyn's blog about the Baboon House before and I had a strong impression because the atmosphere is super nice! Feeling relax and comfortable when in the cafe..  :)
My peach & passion fruit tea.. 
Stephanie's guava juice.. The juice is super fresh! 
Michael's Vietnamese coffee.. 
My spicy lamb burger! Very niceeeeeeeee!
Delicious burgers! :D
I can't wait to eat them! xD

After our meal and chit chat time, we went more inside of the cafe and we found there was a paradise! I feel like I am in the forest.. :D
Love green! :D
 Nice place for relaxing! :)
See Stephanie so relax~ xD

We went even further inside, there is another place for chilling.. Woahhh I wondered why the house so long.. Haha.. 

Love this! :D
My 2 new friends through CHOICE, Michael & Stephanie.. :)
This tiger is so cute! 
 Let's take a picture of them! :D
Our one and only group picture! :D
Daydreaming.. xD
They are belonged to the owner of this cafe.. So cute right? 
 There's a scrap book for us to leave message.. 
Left my "handprint" before leaving.. :)
Here is it.. CMMJ7 rocks! :)
Gonna leave this lovely place..
Bye bye Baboon House, I will revisit you in one day again!  :D

Next, our second round was Casa Del Rio Hotel! We just walked around the hotel.. The ambiance there also not bad.. Stephanie told us that the night view there is super nice.. Another chilling place at night.. :)

The Malay couple had their wedding album shooting there.. So sweet! :)
We just copied them.. I know it was kinda fail.. xD
Old movie feel~ 
 At the pool side.. :)
Woahhh nice place! 
Playing around there.. We can squeeze inside the wall! xD

After that, we went to our third and last round, Ta Chi House.. The food of this cafe is quite yummy also!  The special of this cafe is the coffee prince will make any cartoon characters on the coffee.. Super unique! 
 Winnie The Pooh Hazelnut Coffee..
 Fried noodle! Smells nice~ 

Chatting with the coffee prince.. Haha.. A 20 years old guy but look like 30 years old.. A very in and fashion youngster.. Next time I want to ask him do a Hello Kitty one for me although I don't drink coffee... xD

Thanks to Stephanie for taking all these photos.. I feel like I am a model.. Wahahaha.. She kept asking me to stand here and there to pose.. It's undeniable that she has a great photography skill.. :)
More and more CMMJ gathering coming up! :D

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