Thursday, October 20, 2011

Overtime ♥

Back to Malacca with parents last Sunday.. Woah a new semester is started! But I am too free in this week.. Maybe this is just first week, no tutorial classes and some lecture classes are cancelled.. Had the first class of this semester today.. It's been more than 4 months since the last class I had.. I miss university life, it's great being a student.. :) Somehow I feel like I am super old in this campus.. I can't believe I am a final year student now.. Awww old senior ;(

Friends are important role for me in Malacca.. Without them, my life will be damn bored.. I'm lucky that I have bunch of friends surround me.. :)  Since the day my parents went back to JB, I was asked to go out.. Twice in a day with different gang of friends.. What a fruitful life! I want to cherish every moment here because I know that I'm gonna leave the university life after 8 months.. :(

Day out with girlfriends yesterday.. Walked around Dataran Pahlawan and Mahkota Parade, but nothing to shop there.. 7 of us walked with our tired faces.. :x
By the way, I tried Chatime for the very first time.. Chatime is such a popular drink in KL so I must try it definitely.. Had pearl milk tea but for me it's still okay, nothing special.. But the grass jelly fresh milk is strongly recommended! Super nice! I would choose this next time ;D

After that we had our dinner at Overtime, suggested by Waiyan.. Hehe.. A nice place for chill.. They have their own beer called Starker.. 3 different types of beer, we tired 3 of them.. For me, the Starker is more sweeter than other beers.. 5% alcoholic.. The stupid waiter lied us that free alcoholic, luckily we realised that and asked another waiter again.. 7 girls 8 pints, we are drunkards..  xD

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