Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17' ♥

Oopsss, I almost forget my this lovely blog.. >_< 
Lately I have been busying with another blog.. In this semester, we have to find a company which does not have website and we need to create a blog for them.. Sounds fun right? You will see different companies with different blogs from different people.. Hehe! As a group leader, I am glad that I have another good helper -- Cindy .. :) She is really good in designing all that.. Feel free to visit our blog and leave your comment before leaving.. Thanks for the support! Hehe.. :D

My life has been scheduled with many activities! Like non-stop one.. Haha! Date from different gang always make me busy like a bee.. Hehe.. However I enjoy to the max although this lifestyle is a bit unhealthy.. :D Besides I am enjoying to the class because I know how great as a student after my internship.. I appreciate who I am right now.. Dear god, please slow down all these and let me enjoy more.. Time passes too fast till I can't breathe.. I have many thing yet to accomplish.. How I wish I could have 36 hours per day.. 24 hours is not enough at all! Oucchhh~ 

Still got a bit more to finish my homework.. 9am class tomorrow.. Gonna be a living corpse again.. Hehe! :P


  1. Tey's Pet Centre only sell doggie???
    got hamster or not?

  2. Rachel: Hehe.. you also can have one.. Must enjoy to the max before graduate.. ;)

    Woody: Only doggies and kitties.. No hamster eh.. Haha.. I know your blog already :P
