Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012 ♥

Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

*I think this is the first post of this year :P*

I don't have any partner for this occasion, again. #foreveralone Somehow I have Mr. Retailing with me during this romantic Valentine's Day.. Haha.. Yes I had exam paper today. Exam fell on Valentine's Day, again. Maybe this is the destiny.. God knows that I don't have partner so He lets me have something to busy with.. Haha! 
So far 4 papers down 1 to go.. Wohooooo! 4 papers in 5 days ain't kidding.. I am totally worn out! Next paper after 2 days.. Finally I have time to take a breath.. Phewwww~ 

Have been busying since the beginning of this year... FYP, FYP presentation, CNY and preparation for exam.. Yeahhhh my 3 weeks holiday is coming! Will go to Tioman island during this sem break... Wowww can't wait for it! Hehe.. 

Hmmm sadly to say that many of my good friends are gonna leave MMU after this semester.. So sad! Hope we can meet often, friendship will never ended! 
Same goes to me, about 3 months are left before I end my university life in Malacca. SAD! It's undeniable that time flies faster than what we expected.. Oh gosh~!! Flash back to 3 and half years ago, we are newbies in MMU and everything seemed to be so new to us but now we are oldies.. People call us SENIOR and I think most of the juniors are in year 1992/93.. OMGGGGG! How old I am now.... T______T 

Okay, stop complaining about this. This makes me older.. Haha! :P  

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